Friday, August 8, 2008

Find Time For Friends!!!

I have all these wonderful friends that I never see, but I know they are there no matter what. I know that we are all super busy and have our families to take care of BUT when need to try and FIND TIME FOR FRIENDS!!!!!
Yes this may be a hard task, but I'm willing to work on it, I miss my friends and would love to have some time. Maybe if we chose one date or day(second sat. of month) or something like that and no matter what we stick to it.(Emergency O.K.) I know that we have all tried this before and can never manage, but we need to.
I for one know that I could use some friend time every once in awhile just to boost my moods, remember how much fun we had in high school (minus the knock down drag out fights HA HA). I know we are not kids any more but that does not mean we can't have a little fun and it definitely does not mean we don't need our friends, I some times need you gals now more than I did in school.
To all my friends who read this PLEASE think about it and then maybe talk to our friends who may not read this and see what we can come up with.
Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the BEST!!!!!!

To all my friends I LOVE YOU GALS!!!


Stephanie said...

I'm soooo there!!! Let's make a date! Sundays don't work for me, but I'm pretty much open on Saturdays or Friday nights.

Patty said...

Fridays and Saturdays are ususally good for me, so pick a day and time.

cricket said...

Sounds good to me... just let me know what day you guys have in mind!!! I miss hanging out with you guys :( ...I can't wait... and we really NEED to make sure that we follow through with it this time!!! ;)
love ya gals sys!

Anonymous said...

y LouI miss you so much patty jo!!!! i miss skippin class to have lunch at garfields and just hanging out and going to movies and pretty much seeing u at all....sorry this is the first time i saw your page...i never go to peoples myspace pages i always just find a comment from you and message or comment back...sorry i still love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

I tagged you with the Honest Scrap Award. See my blog for details!